Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gamestorming the Weekly!

Andrew Lenards, photo by Kym Moschgot
Take a look at Mari Hernandez's interview with this Week's speaker, Andrew Lenards. The highlight for me was this interaction:
Would you say gamestorming offers us a different way to make changes?Not to get philosophical, but often, we need to question reality more. If everything you're doing doesn't feel right, maybe you should do something different. We do a lot of things, especially in business, because that's the way it's always been done. ... I think of Alistair Cockburn (and his) oath of non-allegiance, that "I will use any tool at any time to get the job done." ... I don't want to throw away any classical tools, but ... I don't want to ignore things that other people are doing that might work.
I just spoke with Andy and he has some really fun things planned for us.

P.S. I had booked the 4th Floor Board Room, but it seats only about 30! Come to the 4th floor reception desk anyway. Tillie will know where on the 4th floor we have moved it to.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

First Cafe in 2 days

Just a reminder that the first Café is this Friday, April 6th at 3pm in the Main Library's Board Room on the 4th floor. A panel of locals who attended SxSW Interactive will be on hand to talk about their takeaways and AHA moments. If you are not a techie or are unfamiliar with SxSW, fear not. The conference focuses on technology, yes, but always technology in the service of people and community, so we believe the topics will be of interest to anyone interested in new ideas.

Speaking: Jen Maney, PCPL Virtual Library Manager, Warner Onstine of Clearbox Media, Maureen Kearny, blogger and Librarian, and Lisa Bunker, PCPL Social Media Librarian.

We will validate parking for the garage under the library.

P.S. The audio for the SxSW panel I spoke on is now online: Tucsonan Brenda Huettner moderated a panel of Harry Potter fansite owners speaking about what it is like and creating community online. I spoke about ways our library is adapting fandom techniques, and the patterns I've observed about book-centric community online. Link: